Life Intervention Team provides support to those individuals who might otherwise fall through the cracks of other programs.
Currently Life Intervention Team provides Emergency Shelter services. While permanent housing, often coupled with supportive services, is the best way to end homelessness, many individuals and families need short-term stabilization before they can find housing that will meet their long-term needs.
For a significant number homeless in Rutland with mental or physical impairments, often coupled with drug and/ or alcohol use issues, long-term homelessness can only be ended by providing permanent housing coupled with intensive supportive services. Our transitional housing program is designed to help individuals and families obtain permanent sustainable housing as quickly as possible.
Our program serves diverse populations from victims of domestic violence to homeless veterans who have spent years living on the street.

We provide support to those individuals who might otherwise fall through the cracks of other programs.

We provide monitoring and oversight for vulnerable populations who are hesitant to engage in services.

We offer educational support to individuals through a variety of partnerships.
Contact Us
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For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.